New Media Venture Aims to Promote Liberal Voice in Deep-Red South Carolina
In the heart of deep-red South Carolina, a fresh media voice is seeking to carve out a space for liberal perspectives. Following the 2022 elections, a group of Democratic activists and strategists, disillusioned by the lack of media visibility for their concepts, launched a new media company, The Arena. Their mission is primarily to enhance the profiles of emerging party leaders and adequately relay democratic values and ideas.
Democratic Strategist Leads the Charge
Tyler Jones, a seasoned political strategist credited for his contribution to three presidential campaigns and the surprising 2018 victory of former congressman Joe Cunningham, is among the driving forces behind The Arena. Jones attributes the Democratic Party’s losses in the 2022 elections to ineffective communication of their message. “In a red state like South Carolina, it doesn’t matter how great our candidates are,” Jones asserted. “If we don’t have the basic infrastructure to get our message out, we cannot win.”
The Arena was officially activated in May and has since published a plethora of stories, ranging from bringing lesser-known Democratic candidates into the limelight to critical commentary on the antics of South Carolina’s hardline House Freedom Caucus. Jones emphasized that The Arena does not aspire to be a traditional news organization. Instead, it offers a clear and transparent bias where it criticizes what it perceives as the worst impulses of Republicans and uses its platform to promote its party’s interests.
A Conservative Media Landscape
South Carolina is known to have a rich conservative media landscape, hosting multiple conservative-leaning newspapers and blogs. Right-leaning radio stations and a considerable number of national right-wing media personalities add to the conservative media’s strong presence. These platforms provide a consolidated narrative of what it means to be a Democrat, leaving Democratic points of view fragmented and without a unified message.
The Path Forward for The Arena
Despite these challenges, The Arena has managed to garner positive attention since its launch, with hundreds of paying and non-paying subscribers and a promising future of sponsorships and advertisers. The Arena draws inspiration from similar ventures, such as the North Carolina-based Cardinal and Pine, the Georgia-based Bitter Southerner, and The Bulwark, a blog that represents the so-called “Never Trump” movement.
Past progressive media ventures in South Carolina yielded mixed successes. However, Jones remains optimistic. “The Arena, we hope, provides a valuable tool for the progressive movement to start making real change in South Carolina,” he affirmed. Only time will tell whether this new media venture can successfully amplify the voices of progressives in a predominately conservative region.