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Greenwood, South Carolina has many religious organizations, including Christian churches, Catholic churches, and other religious organizations.

Greenwood South Carolina Churches

Greenwood Baptist Churches

First Baptist Church of Greenwood

Emerald Baptist Church

Greenwood Baptist Church

Morris Chapel Baptist Church

Trinity Baptist Tabernacle Church

Harris Baptist Church

Laurel Baptist Church

Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church

Bethel Bible Baptist Church

North Greenwood Church of God

Tabernacle Baptist Church

Greenwood Lutheran Churches

Immanuel Lutheran Church

Greenwood Lutheran Church

Greenwood Episcopal Churches

The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection

Greenwood Christian Churches

First Christian Church of Greenwood SC

Faith Christian Center Church

Greenwood Church of Christ

Legacy City Church

Prevailing Church

NextLevel Christian Center

NewSpring Church

New Journey Church

Place of New Opportunity Church

Real Life Church (SC)

Southside Church of Christ

Greenwood Presbyterian Churches

Westminster Presbyterian Church

Greenwood Presbyterian Church

First Presbyterian Church

Greenwood First ARP Church

Rock Presbyterian Church

Greenwood Catholic Churches

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church

Greenwood Methodist Churches

Harris United Methodist Church

Main Street United Methodist Church

Mathews United Methodist Church

St. Mark ​United Methodist Church

Aldersgate United Methodist

Lowell Street United Methodist

Lupo Memorial United Methodist

Panola UMC

Tranquil United Methodist Church

Mount Lebanon United Methodist Church

Weston Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church

Bethlehem United Methodist Church

Mount Pisgah African Methodist Episcopal Church

Rehoboth United Methodist Church


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