In a disquieting turn of events, a father from Massachusetts has disappeared during a family vacation in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, triggering a desperate and extensive search by authorities and family members. Stanley Kotowski, the missing 60-year-old, vanished over a week ago bringing about a sense of dread to the scenic beach town.
The Kotowski family, originally hailing from Boston, was over a thousand miles away from their home when disaster struck. During the early hours of their vacation, Stanley walked out of their rental property and hasn’t been seen since. His wife, Jackie, in an interview, expressed her growing concern for Stanley who had been suffering from severe insomnia and escalating anxiety leading up to the trip. She said, “Five in the morning, nine forty-five… he just walked out the door. His anxiety just kept getting worse and worse. And he started to get a little paranoid, thinking someone was chasing him.”
The fact that Stanley left without his shoes or phone has only added to the family’s anxiety. Their son, Zak, appealed to his dad as well as the public saying, “You’re not in trouble, dad. We love you. Come home. We just want you home.” With every passing hour, the family’s hopes of locating Stanley are dwindling, but they continue to hold on to a shred of hope due to his physical health. Zak says, “He’s a strong person. He’s athletic. He could even in a delirious state, shoeless, get a few towns over.”
The missing person’s case has been taken over by the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office, who have cast a wide net in the search for Stanley. Using helicopters, drones, and canine units, the law enforcement is leaving no stone unturned. The only possible identifier for Stanley, as stated by the family is his distinctive Boston accent.
The Kotowski family refuses to leave Hilton Head until Stanley is found. Jackie, her voice fraught with worry, mentioned, “I want to go home. I want to take him home.” They, likewise, call upon the community’s assistance urging anyone with security cameras at homes, businesses or public places to check their footage for any possible sighting of Stanley. “We can’t leave without him,” implores Zak, holding on to hope for his father’s safe return.
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